How Much Does it Really Cost for Your Big Former to be Down?
                                                                                                                                                       by Bob Loudermilk

Down time is the worst, especially when you are behind schedule with your biggest customer.  Your former has been down for a week, there aren't any blanks to roll, and now you've determined that the machine has to be pulled out of line to move into machine repair.  The good news is, the frame isn't split, but you have a busted main eccentric shaft.  Once the ram is out, awesome, the brass liners look like someone drug a garden rake through the sand, the bushings are loose as a goose, and the journals need to be replaced.  It just keeps getting better.  I know, you're thinking, "What’s Next", OSHA coming in and shutting me down for too high a concentration level of header smoke?  Ugh...

Nobody likes hearing this, but many times this type of situation can be avoided by just doing the recommended oil changes to your machine.  But, who has 4-5 hours and the personnel to change header oil, change filters, and clean out the inside of every machine once a month?  What you may not know, is that there is a ton of steel particles in all the muck coming out of those little oil compartments underneath the main frame.  Not to mention all the heavy concentrations of wire coating sludge that love to plug up oil lines.  Poor lubrication, and heat is not your friend.

As a kid of 13, I was stuck going to work every Saturday with my dear old dad, and guess what I was doing?  Yep, cleaning out headers.  Yes, I am a "Cold Heading Brat", but as an adult, and having been in this industry for over 40 years, I continuously run across this same scenario with my customers.

Here is the punch line; After spending many hours of research regarding this issue, I have managed to design and build a "Self-Cleaning Oil Centrifuge" that allows you to run your machines almost maintenance free.  I'm not saying that you never have to change oil again.  What I am saying, is that the "PFT-2000 Series" oil purifying centrifuges, by Patriot Forming Technologies, will help keep your header continuously running about 8-10 times longer than the conventional way between oil changes. 

If you would like to find more information about pricing or availability for this machinery, please contact

                                                                     Bob Loudermilk @
                                                                     Patriot Forming Technologies
                                                                     Tel.: 219-413-6128
                                                                     Email: bob.l@PFT.Company